EG Group

Bethell is proud to have become one of EG Group's established supply chain partners through a proven track record of successfully delivering complex Section 278 highway works for new petrol station and retail developments throughout the UK. 

Our role begins at pre-construction stage with Early Contractor Involvement, providing budget costings, programme and phasing information, dealing with C2-C4 enquiries for potential utility service diversions plus all applications to local highway authorities for road opening notices and traffic orders. We are also starting to provide the utilities connections for this client.

The Section 278 highway work typically involves the creation of new junctions onto existing public roads and the construction activities we typically undertake will involve:

S278 Highway Works, Frontier Park, Blackburn 2018
S278 Highway Works, Barracks Rd, Burnley, Lancs 2019
S278 Highway Works, Tongham Rd, Farnham, Surrey2020
S278 Highway Works, Hadley Park Service Station, Staffs2020
S278 Highway Works, Manchester Rd, Bolton 2020
S278 Highway Works, Sproughton Rd, Ipswich 2021
S278 Highway Works, Pride Park, Derby 2021
S278 Highway Works & Retaining Wall, Maghull, Merseyside 2021
Utility Connections for a drive-thru coffee shop, Dudley 2021
S278 Highway Works, Haddington, East Lothian2022
S278 Highway Works, Doncaster2022
S278 Highway Works, Harrogate2022
S278 Highway Works, Dunball, Bridgwater2022