Encirc 360 Effluent Treatment Plant

Encirc is the UKs leading manufacturer of glass containers serving some of the world’s biggest brands and producing over four billion glass containers each year. Bethell were engaged to deliver a robust package of works to construct a new Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP), assisting with the expansion of the plant, and providing greater capacity for future growth.
The works involved the construction of a three level Reinforced Concrete (RC) ETP structure and associated pipework, drainage, and other infrastructure to replace the existing failing ETP. As Encirc have expanded their services over the years the old ETP space had become outgrown and future pipeline works demanded a larger plant.
As part of the works, we removed a 9000m3 natural, sandstone embankment to accommodate the proposed plant. Before the ground could be reduced Bethell installed over 250 soil anchors to support the existing embankment behind the works preventing any potential slippage. Bethell controlled and worked these two exercises concurrently, with a H&S Advisor present ensuring high levels of health and safety performance.
Within the programme of works, there were two key dates that Bethell had to achieve to prevent disruption to other specialist contractors. These dates were the sectional completion of the upper tier to allow installation of follow-on tanks, and practical/substantial completion to allow the M&E contractor to follow on from our works. Bethell were successful in completion of both dates.
The reinforcement to the concrete base, construction joints, walls and tank plinth details were engineered to an extremely high level and a full construction plan/sequencing was devised and maintained to ensure these dates were met.
Throughout the duration of work Bethell developed and maintained an excellent working relationship with Encirc, the project QS and the PC and structural engineers at all phases of the works.
We also established a good relationship with our Fibre Reinforced Concrete (FRC) contractor allowing us to work out the phasing as efficiently as possible considering all the excessive and intricate detailing that we could never have expected to pick up at tender stage.
Bethell completed the project within the 39-week programme, with a multitude of cost savings established for the client. Due to our success, we have now priced a number of further projects and are an approved contractor for infrastructure works on the next project due to commence late 2023.